Sunday, June 28, 2020

Black Lives Matter patch

Black Lives Matter patch

You can make one and sew it to a purse, hat, hoodie, anything!

The reason I'm making this free is to spread the message that BLACK LIVES MATTER.
I am so very heartbroken to keep seeing the news headlines filled with black people being brutally murdered.

It's not ok that this keeps happening.

I'm also upset that people on the internet seem to think Black Lives Matter is a terrorist organization.

It's not. The riots and violence breaking out is either

1) escalated by police or

2) white people using the movement as an excuse to be violent and rowdy (see: the UK BLM).

 "Black Lives MATTER is the bare minimum. Black lives are worthy. Black lives are beloved. Black lives are needed"

When people say Black Lives Matter, they are not saying "only black lives matter" or

"black lives matter more than yours," we are saying "black lives matter" period.

It's a complete sentence and a complete thought on its own.


Black yarn

F (3.75 mm) hook

White yarn

Sewing needle

With black yarn and F hook:

Ch 10

Rnd 1 - 1 sc in second ch from hook and all stitches across (9) ch 1, turn

Rnd 2 - 1 sc in each st across (9) ch1, turn

Rnd 3 - 1 dec, sc 5, 1 dec (7) ch 1, turn

Rnd 4 - 1 sc in each st across (7) ch1, turn

Rnd 5 - 1 dec, sc 3, 1 dec (5) ch 1, turn

Rnd 6 - 1 sc in each st across (5) ch1, turn

Rnd 7 - 1 inc, 3 sc, 1 inc (7) ch1, turn

Rnd 8 - 1 inc, 5 sc, 1 inc (9) ch1, turn

Rnd 9 - 1 inc, 7 sc, 1 inc (11) ch1, turn

Rnd 10 - 1 inc, 9 sc, 1 inc (13) ch1, turn

Rnd 11 - 1 sc in each st across (13) ch1, turn

Rnd 12 - 1 dec, 9 sc, 1 dec (11) ch1, turn

Rnd 13 - 1 dec, 7 sc, 1 dec (9) ch1, turn

Rnd 14 - 1 dec, 5 sc, 1 dec (7) ch1, turn

Rnd 15 - 1 dec, 2 sc, 1 dec (4) ch1, turn (notice the missed stitch, this is to form thumb indent)

Rnd 16 - 2 dec, (2) ch1, turn

Rnd 17 - 1 dec

You can either finish off leaving a long tail for sewing or slip stitch a border around the whole fist, then leave a long tail for sewing

With white, sew the details for the fist.

WHILE I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION please sign these petitions: